A limited number of conference passes are available at no cost for industry members for whom the registration cost is prohibitive and who would otherwise be unable to attend.
Deadline: June 15, 2021.
Prior to contacting us, please read the following key information:
- These tickets are intended to facilitate participation from industry members who are unable to attend as a result of the registration costs. If you are able to purchase a conference pass without financial aid, please refer to the registration page.
- Recipients will be allocated a no-cost Book Summit ticket. This ticket is non-transferable and not redeemable for cash.
- Recipients will be chosen through a blind lottery. Those selected will be informed by email and must complete a Book Summit Registration form to confirm their acceptance of the ticket.
If you are an industry member who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference, please email
English captions will be available for all pre-recorded sessions. Live sessions will feature automatic English captions during the initial broadcast. We will also be securing transcribed captions for live sessions— these will be re-uploaded to each session video upon receipt. To enable captions, hover over the video toolbar (lower right-hand side of the video player) and click the ‘CC’ icon.
Book and Periodical Council
The Book and Periodical Council (BPC) is the umbrella organization for Canadian associations that are or whose members are primarily involved with the writing, editing, translating, publishing, producing, distributing, lending, marketing, reading and selling of written words. Our vision is to foster a vigorous and resilient written-word sector across Canada.
Code of Conduct for Book and Periodical Council Events
The Book and Periodical Council (BPC) is committed to providing a positive event experience for all participants that is welcoming, inclusive, safe and accessible. We expect attendees, speakers, volunteers, staff, BPC members, and our board to follow our code of conduct and show respect and courtesy toward one another at all BPC events. Please review and follow our guidelines below.
Harassment will not be tolerated in any form. Harassment denotes any behaviour that threatens participants or renders the event space an unsafe environment. No attendee shall harass a guest, speaker, volunteer, attendee, BPC staff, member or representative within a BPC event space. The BPC believes that harassment is demonstrated by discriminatory behaviour towards an individual. This can include, but is not limited to actions, comments, or displays that offend, demean, humiliate or threaten another person. Harassment also includes behaviours that could be recognized as offensive or unwelcome. It may consist of a single incident, or continue over time.
Any such behaviour may lead to expulsion from the conference. The BPC reserves the right to remove any materials it considers offensive, or any individuals acting in disagreement with its policies and philosophy, including any promotion of hate, religious/anti-religious proselytization, unauthorized solicitation, sexism, homophobia or racism. Discriminatory language and imagery is also not appropriate for any event setting, including talks, workshops, seminars, or any community event whether in a virtual or face-to-face environment.
Anonymity and right to privacy
All BPC event participants are expected to respect other attendees and staff members when sharing photos, videos, or quotes online by asking permission first and removing any content if asked to do so.
Downloading, taking screen shots, photographing, or recording video and/or audio of presentations and slides is prohibited at any BPC event, unless previously authorized to do so.
Registration for any BPC event constitutes consent to audio and visual recording (and use and alteration of the recording) by the BPC for non-commercial purposes aligned with their mission.
Violations of this Code of Conduct
Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in the BPC representatives to monitor the incident, administer a warning, or expel the offender at their full discretion (without issuing a full or partial refund). This may also result in the restriction of the offender’s attendance at future BPC events.
Reporting a violation
If at any time, a presenter, guest, attendee, delegate, volunteer, or representative of the BPC feels that this code of conduct has been breached, it is important that this person report it immediately to the BPC Executive Director
All allegations of harassment will be taken seriously, treated with confidentiality, and investigated promptly by the BPC ED and/or Chair. All efforts will be taken to mitigate the effects of harassment, and deliberate steps will be taken to prevent a recurrence of the harassment.
Questions or suggestions?
If you have any questions or suggestions about the BPC’s Code of Conduct, please contact
* Adapted with the help of BookNet Canada and the Ontario Library Association.
With thanks to our government funders and industry sponsors:
This project has been made possible [in part] by the Government of Canada.